08/12/2023 to 14th
Typical up after leaving the family to be on my own. For a trail that has existed for 100 years it is the worst I have ever hiked on. No to minimal maintenance. Got to Chairback Lean-To which sat well above the trail. Decided to move on 1.3 more mile to Chairback Pond. Set up camp by the outlet in a small site. Didnt bother going to the pond just dinner and bed.
Rained in the early morning enough to get me down for the rest of the day. So it was a tough go of up and down all day. Went through a bog on 4th Mt that was full of carnivorous plants. They were everywhere making for an otherworldly feel. I was trying to get to Cloud Pond L.T. so no pictures. Close to 20+ people there mostly nobody. All trying to crank out the miles to finish before deadlines. All young folks talking about the future of jobs and college to go to. Not realizing that the moment they are living in now wil probably never happen again.
Up early to gettoBarren Mt. and try and call home. Great view on top and talked to Ginger and Tarren as they were on way to work. Planned some stuff to mail to me in Caratunk and to send home in Monson.
Down to Barren Ledges and enjoyed the view for over an hour. Headed down steeply to Long Pond Stream L.T. for the ni6. I and 1 other person were there for the night. Got there early and just relaxed for several hours. Time to plan, think, read, and do crosswords.
Up early to get to Otter Pond where I got picked up by Berry from 100 Mile Wilderness Hostel.